Map (SW:R)

Bastion (PVP)
An isolated world with military and industrial
- Modded ores only on planet
- All ores in asteroids
- Wreckage scavenging
- Flying space NPCs

Bonadan (PVP)
An industrial powerhouse
in the corporate sector.
- Only place to get Tibanna
- Modded ores only on planet
- All ores in asteroids
- Hostile Stations
- Flying planet NPCs
- Wreckage scavenging

Dathomir (PVP)
A remote, neutral and obscure planet
- Information unknown

Ilum (PVP)
The most sacred world to the Jedi Order, the ancient planet Ilum is forever encased in ice, and whipped by biting winds.
- Information unknown

Concordia (PVP)
An isolated world with special
metal and religious zealots.
- Only place to get Beskar
- Modded ores only on planet
- All ores in asteroids
- Flying planet NPCs
- Flying space NPCs
- Wreckage scavenging

Brentaal IV (PVE)
An important trade world at the core of the galaxy
- Modded ores only on planet
- All ores in asteroids
- Very hostile space NPCs
- Space flying NPCs
- Wreckage scavenging
- Easy planet NPCs

Kuat (PVE)
A water world at the core that builds many ships.
- Modded ores only on planet
- All ores in asteroids
- Wreckage scavenging
- No flying planet NPCs
- Hostile NPC stations

Abregado-Rae (PVP)
A water world in the core known as a smugglers hideout.
- Vanilla ores everywhere
- Modded ores everywhere
- Hostile Stations
- Flying planet NPCs

Eriadu (PVP)
A dust ball in the outer rim rife with industry and trade.
- Vanilla ores everywhere
- Modded ores everywhere
- Hostile Stations
- Flying planet NPCs
- Wreckage scavenging

Tatooine (PVE)
A dust ball in the outer rim. Terrible infestation of Jawas.
- Vanilla ores everywhere
- Modded ores everywhere
- Easy NPCs (none fly)
- Wreckage scavenging
- No flying planet NPCs
- Space flying NPCs

GPS Points
Click to copy, then paste in-game.
Abregado-Rae (PVP)
Abregado-Rae Spaceport
Abregado-Rae Planet Capture Point
Bastion (PVP)
Bastion Spaceport
Bastion Planet Capture Point (KoTH)
Bonadan (PVP)
Bonadan Spaceport
Bonadan Planet Capture Point (KoTH)
Brental IV (PVE)
Brentaal IV
Brentaal IV Spaceport
Concordia (PVP)
Concordia Spaceport
Concordia Planet Capture Point (KoTH)
Dathomir (PVP)
Dathomir Spaceport
Dathomir Planet Capture Point (KoTH)
Eriadu (PVP)
Eriadu Spaceport
Eriadu Planet Capture Point (KoTH)
Ilum (PVP)
Ilum Spaceport
Ilum Planet Capture Point (KoTH)
Kuat (PVE)
Kuat Spaceport
Tatooine (PVE)
Tatooine Spaceport